Magicare New Zealand - Skin Care and Beauty products


Magiray for womenIt is really important for you to be able to identify your skin type. This is to enable you to look after your skin correctly. Also the selection of your cosmetics is, to a considerable extent, influenced by your skin type. Although no two skins are exactly similar most have characteristics which enable them to be grouped into one of the following types: Dry skin, Normal skin, Oily skin and Sensitive skin.

  • OILY skin: tends to look shiny or greasy with frequent breakouts. Oily skins have open, enlarged pores that are visible (can look like the skin of an orange), so texture looks uneven and may feel rough; tendency to be prone to blackheads and pimples, and may have been acne prone during teenage years. The bonus of oily skin is that your skin will not age as quickly as other skin types!
  • NORMAL skin: soft and smooth, healthy balanced skin - there are no specific or visible problems. Texture is even, as pores are neither invisible or enlarged; oil regulation is balanced - skin is neither oily or dry; occasional breakouts or dry patches may occur. A normal skin can be in combination with an oily t-zone (forehead, nose, chin) or with dry cheeks - treat these areas as for their skintype, especially moisture-wise.
  • DRY skin: can look fine and papery - because of lack of oil production, has a tendency to develop lines earlier than other skin types. Texture will feel tight, and pores are invisible - your skin can look shiny if it is really dry and tight, but never greasy like oily skin. If your skin feels tight after cleansing, it may also become red and blotchy in extreme temperatures, feel rough and get dry patches in winter.
  • SENSITIVE skin: can look clear, but will react to problem ingredients / products and become inflamed, itchy, red, blotchy and can even burn or sting if highly allergic or irritated.
    *Always treat sensitive skin very gently when cleansing, masking and massaging.

Your Skin’s Worst Enemies

1. Alcohol
Alcohol’s dehydrating effects on the skin are well documented - it appears dry, with more lines and wrinkles. Alcohol also causes vasodilation, in which blood vessels become dilated, resulting in increased redness and irritation.

2. Caffeine
Even one strong cup can have a dramatic effect on your hydration status, so if you love your coffee, don’t forget to have a water chaser. Be careful with these new energy drinks, many of which have two to three times as much caffeine as coffee. Dehydration causes the skin to look dry, wrinkly and dull.

3. Saturated fat and trans fatty acids
Saturated fats, found in fatty meats, full-cream dairy products and coconut, and trans fatty acids, predominantly in hydrogenated oils, increase the production of free radicals, which accelerate the ageing process.Found in many takeaway foods, these fats may also play a role in initiating inflammation, puffiness and pimples.

4. Cigarettes
Nicotine increases blood-vessel constriction, creating a dull skin tone and is believed to reduce our vitamin C supply.